The Perfect Price.. is there such a thing?


Whoever you are, wouldn't it be nice if you could have your own consultant at your beck and call, anytime, with the answers that can give you that perfect price?

Well, before Doctors, Ken Evoy and Carol Ann Dorn showed us how, it was almost impossible for small businesses or even mid-sized businesses to know exactly what would be the perfect price for their product. At last, there is a process for determining your product's perfect price, a system that is exact and scientific.

This new software is called, Make Your Price Sell! (MYPS) and there's nothing to download and install. It runs on our own computers. It all takes place on the 'Net. You'll receive a free MYPS! pricing manual with your order, a resource that provides valuable information on pricing strategies and marketing scenarios. In less than an hour, the MYPS system will:

        automatically customize a questionnaire, to ask people about your product
        record and store their answers
        run the analytical models
        present you with clear answers to your pricing questions.

MYPS! can help you get your product to market sooner and maximize your profit by providing the answers that will enable you to price your product perfectly, right from the start.

There's never been a product like this before. Learn more by enrolling in our free Pricing Masters Course by sending a blank email to and you could also accept the   

Presented in Association with SiteSell and Lilian Goveia.